Los Angeles DUI Attorneys – The Trial and After
Los Angeles DUI attorneys are there to take on your case and help you through your trial. You want a lawyer that specializes in the area of DUI cases. If you don't have Los Angeles DUI attorneys that know the ins and outs of California DUI law, your trial could end badly.
If you and your Los Angeles DUI attorneys feel that the best thing is to take your case to a jury trial, there are several possible outcomes. The severity of these outcomes will depend on your blood alcohol content at the time of the arrest, if there was accident, and other determining factors. How well your Los Angeles DUI attorneys know the law, and the determination that they have to help could also have a large impact on your sentence. One of those outcomes could be an alcohol education program. The length of time that you have to attend these programs, and the fees involved with them, could range from three months to eighteen months. Good Los Angeles DUI attorneys may be able to recommend rehabilitative programs as an alternative to jail time.
Other possible outcomes that your Los Angeles DUI attorneys will discuss with you could be a suspended license, community service, probation, and jail time. Again, there will be several determining factors in how your trial goes, but always keep in mind that the expertise and knowledge of your Los Angeles DUI attorneys will ultimate factor in to the outcome. That is why you want the best. Los Angeles DUI attorneys Gold & Witham have devoted their careers to representing people arrested for DUI. They work hard to provide you with the best possible defense. Visit WeDoDUI.com to find out how these Los Angeles DUI attorneys can work with you.